- New Links:
1) Lexipedia: an online visual semantic network with dictionary and thesaurus reference functionality (via Inma Alcázar)
2) Yolango: authentic video clips with accompanying cloze drills, vocabulary exercises and comprehension questions.
3) Strip generator: an application to create comic strips. (via Pepa)
4) Comic creator: an interactive tool that invites students to compose their own comic strips for a variety of contexts.
5) More interesting blogs
- New competitions:
1) Guess the word: every Monday we'll post a picture, definition or riddle and once you know the answer, you have to write a comment with the solution. Let's see who's the winner at the end of this term! (via Our Advanced English blog)
2) Writing contest: every two weeks we'll hold a Writing Contest for all students.
* Several categories (1º ESO-Bachillerato)
* All stories must be submitted in due time
- New competitions:
1) Guess the word: every Monday we'll post a picture, definition or riddle and once you know the answer, you have to write a comment with the solution. Let's see who's the winner at the end of this term! (via Our Advanced English blog)
2) Writing contest: every two weeks we'll hold a Writing Contest for all students.
* Several categories (1º ESO-Bachillerato)
* All stories must be submitted in due time
* Writing criteria will vary each time (length, topic...)
--> More novelties soon.
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